
Depending on where you are based in Australia, whether in the city or country, there are a lot of different critters that can visit your garden.

Some of these may be permanent residents and call your garden home, while others can be just passing through. Some can be beneficial for your garden, while others can be quite destructive. For example, most people are happy to welcome a blue tongue lizard as he will happily munch on lots of undesirable insects such as snails and slugs, but I know of very few who are happy to welcome rats and mice!

How do you manage these destructive critters, especially when some, like Bush Turkeys are protected by law? And YES, they can be managed using simple, organic solutions that don’t involve harming these critters! After all, they are just try to eke out a living the same as us! And often we are on their land.

We made a list of common critters who may visit your garden in Australia, with brief tips on how to identify and get rid of them using non-toxic methods. Just click on the pictures to find out more about them!

Feral Rabbits

Feral Rabbits

Hello, My Name is Feral Rabbit Botanical Name: Oryctolagus cuniculus DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am known as feral rabbits as I am a visitor from Europe, who was introduced originally into Victoria by Thomas Austin for game hunting on his property! However, because I can...

Indian Myna Birds

Indian Myna Birds

Hello, My Name is Indian Myna Bird Botanical Name: Acridotheres tristis DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a visitor from central Indian and southern Asia, who liked it so much here, I decided to stay and reproduce, a lot! I am very aggressive in my behaviour to other birds,...

Fruit Bats

Fruit Bats

Hello, My Name is Fruit Bat Botanical Name: Megachiroptera DESCRIBE YOURSELF I'm known either as Fruit Bats or Flying Foxes. Although I'm known as a fruit bat, this is not really correct. Yes, I will feed on ripe fruit but I really prefer the nectar, seeds and pollen...



Hello, My Name is Pigeon Botanical Name: Columba livia DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a visitor from the United Kingdom and Europe. I was introduced by European settlers and liked it here so much I decided to stay and reproduce, settling across much of Australia! And I am...

Bush Turkey

Bush Turkey

Hello, My Name is Bush Turkey Botanical Name: Alectura lathami DESCRIBE YOURSELF As a native animal, bush turkey are found throughout Eastern Australia. Although we prefer to live in the bush, we have adapted well to semi-city living, mostly out of necessity. I answer...

Feral Red Fox

Feral Red Fox

Hello, My Name is Red Fox Botanical Name: Volpes Volpes DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a visitor from Europe, introduced originally into Victoria for game hunting! However, I liked it so much here, I decided to stay and reproduce, a lot! As an introduced species Red Fox have...

Cane Toads

Cane Toads

Hello, My Name is Cane Toad Botanical Name: Rhinella Marina DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a visitor from central America, who liked it so much here, I decided to stay and reproduce, a lot! As an introduced pest, with a very toxic poison, I have few natural predators! Local...

Ringtail Possum

Ringtail Possum

Hello, My Name is Ringtail Possum Botanical Name: Pseudocheirus peregrinus   DESCRIBE YOURSELF As a Ringtail possum we are found throughout Eastern Australia. Although we prefer to live in gum trees, we have adapted well to city living, mostly out of necessity. We are...

Brushtail Possum

Brushtail Possum

Hello, My Name is Brushtail Possum Botanical Name: Trichosurus volpeula   DESCRIBE YOURSELF As a Brushtail possum we are found throughout Eastern Australia. We prefer to live in native trees like gums, but we've adapted well to city living, mostly out of necessity. We...



Botanical Name: Mus Musculus DESCRIBE YOURSELF Mice, we are found almost everywhere there are humans. And like Rats, I'm almost uniformly despised. I think I’m actually quite cute! My face is more angular than my cousin rodent, the rat. My nose is much slimmer, which...