
Cane Toads

Cane Toads

Hello, My Name is Cane Toad Botanical Name: Rhinella Marina DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a visitor from central America, who liked it so much here, I decided to stay and reproduce, a lot! As an introduced pest, with a very toxic poison, I have few natural predators! Local...

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Ringtail Possum

Ringtail Possum

Hello, My Name is Ringtail Possum Botanical Name: Pseudocheirus peregrinus   DESCRIBE YOURSELF As a Ringtail possum we are found throughout Eastern Australia. Although we prefer to live in gum trees, we have adapted well to city living, mostly out of necessity. We are...

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Brushtail Possum

Brushtail Possum

Hello, My Name is Brushtail Possum Botanical Name: Trichosurus volpeula   DESCRIBE YOURSELF As a Brushtail possum we are found throughout Eastern Australia. We prefer to live in native trees like gums, but we've adapted well to city living, mostly out of necessity. We...

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Botanical Name: Mus Musculus DESCRIBE YOURSELF Mice, we are found almost everywhere there are humans. And like Rats, I'm almost uniformly despised. I think I’m actually quite cute! My face is more angular than my cousin rodent, the rat. My nose is much slimmer, which...

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Hello, My Name is Rat Botanical Name: Rattus Rattus   DESCRIBE YOURSELF Rats, we are found almost everywhere there are humans. Unlike dogs and cats, I'm almost uniformly despised. I think I’m actually quite cute! I can grow up to 500cm or half a metre in size, but...

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