
Creeping Indigo

Creeping Indigo

Hello, I'm Creeping Indigo Botanical Name Indigofera spicata DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a short-lived perennial plant. My leaves can go a sort of pinky purple during summer, hence my name. I set a lot of seeds when I flower and my seed heads look a bit like an arrowhead....

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Burr Medic or Burr Clover

Burr Medic or Burr Clover

Hello, I'm Burr Medic Botanical Name Medicago Hispida Syn M. polymorpha  DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am an annual plant of the legume family. This means I am great at fixing nitrogen in your soil. And I have a really deep tap root, which makes it hard to dig me out of your...

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Why Test Your Soil’s pH?

Why Test Your Soil’s pH?

Why Test Your Soil’s pH? The biggest and best improvement you can make to your soil is knowing your soil's pH and changing it where necessary. What is pH? The pH of the soil is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. pH actually means “potential hydrogen”...

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