Winter Gardening Tips for Australia Did you know that winter doesn't really start on the first of June? It actually starts around the winter solstice nearer to 22 June, if you look at sun and moon cycles. When I raised this with my sister, she didn't really agree that...
It’s Raining Plums
So, what do I mean by it's Raining Plums? I was soo excited the other morning to find that my Davidson plum tree has finally given me some fruit! This tree has been in my garden for 6 years. While it has been happily growing skyward, up to this year, it has refused to...
Growing Coriander: The Tips on How to Grow it in Brisbane
How to grow Coriander in Brisbane? A friend was complaining to me the other day that she had been unsuccessful growing coriander in Brisbane at the moment. The seedlings either died as soon as they were planted or bolted straight to seed. I advised her that you can't...
Planting the Veggie Garden
Planting the Veggie Garden I was down at my local Big Green shed this morning and arrived at just the right time for replanting the veggie garden and growing your own veggies. The garden team were going through all the plants deciding which ones were to be reduced and...
How to Grow Lebanese Eggplants
Tips for Growing and Using Lebanese Eggplant I replanted my veggie garden the other day, as I had picked up some great seedlings. Replanting meant stripping out all those plants that were past their prime. However, one plant I didn't pull out was my Lebanese eggplant,...
Eat A Rainbow of Healthy Foods
Why Eat A Rainbow of Healthy Foods? People are progressively becoming aware of the impact of what they eat on both their short-term and long-term health. Food is more than something to fill you up, it can actually make you healthy and help fight disease! We have known...