
Peppermint Tea Health Benefits

Peppermint Tea Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea My sister is a huge fan of peppermint tea. She often uses it to finish off her dinner. She says that it helps her digestion, and it is a good substitute for dessert with no calories! I have been doing some research for my new book...

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Top 10 Must Have Herbs To Grow in Your Garden

Top 10 Must Have Herbs To Grow in Your Garden

I was going to call this Blog The Top 10 Herbs to grow in your vegetable garden. But Herbs are just such awesome plants that I like to plant them throughout my garden, not limit them to the vegetable or herb garden! There are over 100 different herbs that grow easily...

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Growing Lemongrass in Australia

Growing Lemongrass in Australia

Growing Lemongrass I was down the market the other day and saw that they had lemongrass for sale - 3 stalks for $5.00! Honestly, if you don't know how to grow lemongrass you would think at that price that Lemongrass was a precious, hard to grow herb. In reality,...

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How to Grow Turmeric in Australia

How to Grow Turmeric in Australia

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Here are a few things you need to know about how to grow Turmeric This article is about how to grow Turmeric. If you haven't heard of Turmeric, you have probably been living under a rock for the last year or two, as it is the...

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What makes celery bitter tasting?

What makes celery bitter tasting?

Why does my celery taste bitter? I was recently asked this question by a gardener. Celery is an attractive, easy to grow plant that makes a great filler plant in any vegetable or herb garden. However if you want to grow great celery, that you can eat, there are a few...

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How to grow Echinacea plants?

How to grow Echinacea plants?

Before answering the question "How to grow Echinacea?" let's first see what Echinacea is. What is Echinacea? Echinacea is a herb that helps our immune system protect us from catching colds and flu. It also plays a role in shortening the duration of sickness if you do...

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