
The bane of all gardeners’ is the plants that grow where we don’t want them to! These plants are often called weeds and they seem to crop up everywhere – pathways, lawns, garden beds, and even in pot plants.

Weeds are often described as plants that are growing in the wrong place. However, I prefer the description, attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson of a weed, as “a plant who’s virtues have yet to be uncovered”. And this is a fitting description when we consider the health and medicinal benefits that are being discovered! “Weeds” such as Cobblers Pegs and Dandelions and being found to have anti-cancer properties. Yes, they can help prevent cancer! While other weeds make great “ointments” for bites and stings and scratches. Just rub them on the bite!

However, they may still be plants growing where you don’t want them to grow! So, instead of resorting to dangerous pesticides and herbicides, why not get to know your weeds better? See if you can control them without poisoning your little patch of garden or the larger environs of our planet! And you might even find that they provide you with food and health-giving vitamins and minerals!

To help, we’ve made a list of common garden weeds in Australia with brief tips on how to identify them? What are the benefits they may bring, and how can you control them using non-toxic methods.

Just click on the pictures below  to find out more about the weeds that are growing in your patch!




Hello, I'm Oxalis Botanical Name for Oxalis Oxalis acetosella DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am called Oxalis because I contain high levels of Oxalic acid. I'm also known as Soursop because of the sour taste of my leaves. As I have a similar leaf structure I am sometimes...

Hairy Commelina

Hairy Commelina

Hello, I'm Hairy Commelina Botanical Name Commelina benghalensis DESCRIBE YOURSELF Previously I was known as Wandering Jew, I am a long-lived creeping weed with bright blue flowers. I have two main varieties of hairy commelina, one with a three petaled flower and one...

Cobblers Pegs

Cobblers Pegs

Hello, I'm Cobblers Pegs Botanical Name Bidens pilosa DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am a short- lived, perennial plant that is green in colour, although older leaves can be reddish. My small daisy-like flowers are attractive with white petals and a yellow centre. However, I...