Hello, I’m Billygoat weed Botanical Name Ageratum conyzoides DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am an annual or short-lived perennial originally from tropical South America. My common name, Billygoat weed, was given to me as my leaves smell like a male goat when they are...
Hello, I’m Purslane Botanical Name Portulaca oleracea DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am actually a herb, with fleshy light green to golden leaves and stems. And I have lots of health-giving benefits if you’ll just try me! I am considered a weed because I grow easily...
Hello, I’m Oxalis Botanical Name for Oxalis Oxalis acetosella DESCRIBE YOURSELF I am called Oxalis because I contain high levels of Oxalic acid. I’m also known as Soursop because of the sour taste of my leaves. As I have a similar leaf structure I am...
Hello, I’m Hairy Commelina Botanical Name Commelina benghalensis DESCRIBE YOURSELF Previously I was known as Wandering Jew, I am a long-lived creeping weed with bright blue flowers. I have two main varieties of hairy commelina, one with a three petaled flower...
I have just been out in my garden declaring war on weeds that are happily pushing their way through after the lovely rain we had recently. Have you ever noticed that it is the weeds which are the first to appear? In this particular case the weed I have been targeting...